Apr 15, 2010

Trifecta of Delicious

I am lucky enough to be surrounded by family and friends that support my love of the tinned sardine and enjoy taking part in the reviewing process. My wife is always there, always willing to tear into a new tin. Her excitement is comforting. We've recruited her mother into the society. My kids (3 and 5 year old girls) love themselves some sardines. We are growing stronger as a group. There is no need to hide your enthusiasm for the tinned sardine! Fly your flag I say!
Anyway a short while back we had SALTS Paris chapter meeting at the apartment to celebrate a friends birthday. The wife and I had finally visited the Bon Marche and grabbed a few tins. We decided to enjoy these for the meeting:

Rödel sardines with lemon

Rödel sardines in olive oil

and La Belle-iloise sardines marinated in muscadet and herbs.

We had also ended up with a can of Russian caviar. Sure, why not?

This sparkling wine is deeeelicious and cheap and rediculously easy to drink. Watch out!

All sardines were really good. The rödels with lemon were good though not as popular as the rödels in plain olive oil. It's funny as with the connetable brand sardines I really like the ones with the lemon a bit better than those without. Not in this case. This night the red tin was the hit and emptied first. The la belle-iloise tin was good but there were some who didn't care for flavor of the wine. I'm not sure why but the men in the room, myself inlcuded, really liked these. I would say that these, though very different, command the same rating as the rödels with lemon.

There you go. I know that I need to do more cooking with sardines, but it's just so damn easy to cut up a bunch of whatever you have in the fridge, pop a tin or three, pull a cork or three and enjoy yourself. Do it.

Rödel with Lemon

Rödel in Olive Oil

La Belle-Iloise


  1. Radishes, caviar, sardines, cheeses. Holy shit, thanks for making me hungry.

  2. I can see you've got good taste !
    Next time try La Perle des Dieux brand, you'll be flabbergasted !

  3. The last pic is a beaut! It's my new wallpaper.

  4. Hi! i just discovered your blog and i love it. i have the muscat sardines on my shelf, and just ate some packed with jambon de bayonne & piment d'esplette-- i normally avoid sauces but this one was really good. have you been to g. detou (rue tiquetonne @ montorgeuil)? they have a fantastic selection.
    do you have sardine parties? i would love to participate.

  5. Hey there Cook. Glad you enjoy the blog. Thanks for the recommendation. That store is REALLY close to where I live right behind Arts et Metiers.


  6. Where can I buy Rodel sardines in Canada or US, thanks
